Fluvi Changelog Update #002
Fluvi has been improved! See new updates for our Amazon Seller analytics tool.
![Fluvi Changelog Update #002](https://blogs.fluvi.com/uploads/Update_002_b74a945d39.png)
Based on user feedback and planned development pipeline we'd added a handful of features and a number of improvements since our last update. Fluvi's speed improvements are complete and the dashboard and other key pages are loading quickly even on large accounts. New ads information based on keyword data has been added to the ads page. Additional FBA fees have been added to the Fluvi profit tracker. The product modal now shows historical sales data up to four years back. Data such as Sales, Costs, Profit, Amazon Fees, Returns, Advertising etc, are exportable to CSV file. Fluvi Assistant's chromestore page has been improved: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/fluvi-assistant/nnaieiccadoegdkekhkjpggcdgpfgkcl Automated Product review request and Seller feedback request feature has been improved.
Users can now group their product Sales and Costs on a Parent or Region level and also see Marketplace and Region grouped data. We expanded our Returns page with Amazon FBA returns data like sellable returns statistics (damaged, customer damaged, carrier damaged and defective) as well as return reason, disposition, and resellable, and comment from customer. Also working on expanding the Amazon FBA returns page with more data such as resell grade.
List of Fluvi improvements:
- Added min-width to product columns in data table.
- Added a close button to the discount banner.
- Changed inventory header to display in a single line instead of two.
- Fixed the issue that prevented setting the number of titles in the copywriter tool.
- Added a warning color to the callout card on the login page to indicate early access status.
- Increased the top margin padding of the login page's callout card by threefold.
- Standardized stat card components across analytics and advertising pages, adding options for tacos, discounts, and special products/display adspend.
- Deferred all listeners except for settings and auth until setup completion.
- Auto-change layout upon route status change
- Implemented Product Parent filter in the Sales Page
- Replaced
to maintain parsing speed when tab is blurred. - Disabled product modal trigger in warehouse, transfer, and batch modal selections.
- Defined and enforced a maximum width for chart bars across the application.
- Removed the fallback row for missing data from the data table in the UI.
- Resolved feedback page crash issue specific to Eric's account.
- Replaced duplicated origin information with the correct destination in the dashboard timeline's shipments tooltip card.
- Excluded closed shipment batches and transfers from the dashboard timeline.
- Fixed the timezone bug in Core where a missing timezone entry in the Firebase database caused an error.
- Modified the API to raise an HTTP 403 error when an ID token is valid but lacks the Team ID in its custom claims.
- Added missing fulfillment centers ABQ2 and PSC2 to core.
- Fixed a bug where new accounts incorrectly displayed 'trial expired' on the billing page.
- Fixed a bug where new account trial subscriptions were being immediately canceled.
- Core: Migrated existing documents to use
status instead ofcancelled
for solicitations. - Added a 'reason' field with predefined options to the failed solicitation request model.
- Changed the storage method for Returns within the Core module.
- Implemented automatic sign out for users upon team deletion.
- Implemented Product Parent filter in Ads Page.
- Fixed alignment issue for the inventory dropdown to start from the left edge of the button.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from creating or editing documents on the documentation page.
- Added row selection and bulk archive options to the inventory table.
- Investigated and resolved the malfunctioning cleanup job for pending solicitations.
- Synchronized Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) reimbursements data in the core system.
Discontinued data synchronization to obsolete Firebase Database nodes.
Fixed ValidationError when storing monthly/long-term storage fees ASIN aggregates into MongoDB.
Fixed a field validator issue that was turning Solicitation datetime values with timezone info into None, causing validation errors.
Core: Synchronized referral fee reimbursements.
Fixed an issue where partial solicitations failed to create when pending orders were present in the Orders report.
Fixed an issue where the Solicitations Products Array would become null when processing Shipments reports.
Investigated the discrepancy between Feedback table and modal in Ice.
Fixed an issue where a new user was incorrectly prompted to complete the Getting Started wizard.
Added a 'sellable' boolean field to the returns model and requested front-end team to integrate it into the summary and activity tables on the returns page.
Migrated OpenAI library to the latest version, addressing all breaking changes.
Fixed a bug where selecting 'Yesterday' in the date range picker incorrectly selected both today and yesterday.
Fixed unintended behavior in the Date Range Picker for 'Fluvi | Amazon Seller Analytics Tool'.
Fixed product sorting and display issues in the Replenish/Reorder dashboard card.
Implemented an optional default tab prop for the product details modal, enabling dynamic default tab selection based on user interactions.
Fixed an issue where Amazon sales data was not displaying for the current date.
Fixed the Amazon marketplace settings tab for full functionality in dark mode.
Fixed bar chart cutoff issue on the advertising page.
Implemented 'Product Parent' filter on the Returns Page.
Fixed Solicitation data by running a script to fill missing
fields and resolving validation errors. -
Resolved an issue where feedback solicitation was not functioning as expected for certain products, despite being enabled with a 7-day delay.
Modified job creation handler to ensure variant uniqueness in scheduled jobs
Implemented retroactive scheduling of feedback solicitation requests for recently enabled products.
Reset cost of goods form state after successful submission.
Fixed a bug that limited the currency selection to 'USD' during the Company step of the Onboarding page.
Modified shipment FBA links to open in a new tab when accessed.
Implemented a filter on the shipments timeline to exclude cancelled, closed, deleted, and error statuses.
Investigated and fixed the COGS discrepancy in the sales table to align with the product model.
Fixed the filter issue in the feedback list for Amazon marketplaces and ASINs.
Fixed an issue where the company name was not saved after account creation during the onboarding process.
Added return reason to table in the feedback tab of the product modal.
Completed the Settings tab for the Product Modal in the Fluvi Dashboard.
Redesigned the product settings modal based on new specifications.
Implemented a server state manager for managing sales data fetching.
Fixed an issue causing the sales page to throw an error when no currency was defined due to unselected marketplace filters.
Decoupled dashboard filters from global filters.
Implemented persistent storage of global date range settings as offsets in localStorage, with dynamic calculation from today's date upon filter store mounting.
Added an option to display profit margin in the stat cards on the sales table.
Fixed an issue where two Stripe accounts were being created for each new Fluvi user.
Core: Added missing Fulfillment Centres HIA1, GEU3, and GEU5.
Sunsetted updates to Products v1 and Sales v2 Firebase Database Nodes.
Fixed a bug where double-clicking on a day before the selected date range in the date range picker was not possible.
Fixed the advertising page to display correct data for 'yesterday' when chosen from the date range picker.
Enabled summary cards in the Sales Table to display converted currency when the Currency Conversion Toggle is activated, regardless of marketplace filter status.
Fixed an infinite loading issue on the Amazon Ads Page Discounts Stat Card.
Fixed an issue where containers incorrectly displayed the USD symbol instead of the local marketplace currency symbol.
Consolidated duplicate toast notifications into a single message indicating 'Email already in use' for existing email invites.
Enabled selection and copying of Amazon Product Titles, ASIN, and SKU in the Product Modal.
Ensured stat card settings are retained across sales, advertising, and returns pages using local storage.
Updated product avatar images to square with slight rounded edges in the product details card.
Implemented a configurable y-axis option for the sales chart with default disabled state and session persistence.
Re-styled the archived indicator in Product Details to include a faded appearance, relocated the badge/text to fit within the third line, and extended the cell width to accommodate the badge at the end.
Moved and renamed the "Show Parent Products" toggle to "Group by Parents", relocating it from the filters dropdown to the sales, returns, advertising, and inventory tables.
Added tests for feedback dependencies in core module
Login and reset password bug
Color Formatting for Amazon Profit Column in Sales Table
Close date range picker when user clicks on a preset
Persist the page size for all tables
Sort Amazon sales table by revenue on default
Timezone settings not taken into account when hydrating filters store
Configurable Date Ranges for Sales Tab Through Quickfilters
Fix issue where product modal is crashing when replenish or reorder is infinite
Replace FBA inventory chart with bubble chart
Revamp inventory tab design in product modal
Consume new BE endpoint for sales
Use different memo strat for useSalesQuery hook
Fix issue with toggle groups throwing empty string on double click
Add Amazon marketplace filter to useSalesQuery
Product Modal: Redesign Inventory Tab
Find alternative shade of red for better accessibility in both light and dark mode
Add External Link to Amazon Listing Page on Product Modal
Returns: Utilize
attribute in the Summary tab -
Fix: Creation of Amazon ads api recurring jobs when ads profile is absent for a country and region adspai is active
500 Internal Server Error on requesting GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_V2 report
Improve get_jobs to support fetching job with region ownership
Add tests for FX Rates Dependencies
Malformed Order ID Error on getting buyer emails while processing Amazon Returns report
Add missing Amazon Fulfillment Centers (LAN2 & RYY2)
Core + API: Support individual dates array for Sales Aggregate endpoint
Cache new Sales Aggregate as soon as they're synced
Make Sales its own component
Delete Team User Unhandled Exception
Upgrade Stripe Dependency to latest version & Use Async Methods
Sales Page: Add Tooltip in the Amazon Costs column
Fix Forget password doesn't work
Incorrect sorting order in Sales table after currency conversion
Fix inability to change account information and password in settings > profile page
Product Modal: Add context in FBA Estimated Demand block
Add graph color legend
Inventory Page: Add toggling for X and Y axes ticks
Inventory Page: Add Amazon marketplace filter to graph data parsing
Fix TODAY value not being changed as system time changes
Inventory page graph: move markets outside the circles
Product Modal: Restyle fulfillable chart
Product Modal: Show units_sold value to the Returns tab
Fix overflow issue of inventory tab charts in production
Fix: Fetch team adsapi settings at once in maintain_and_deploy_team_jobs
Ads data has stopped syncing for UK and EU for Alex
Team is missing its only member
Check the feasibillity of data source for sold units on Returns tab
KeyError on updating inbound shipments tracking data
Abort early if ads reports aggregates are empty
FX Rates Component Refactor
Add tests for FX Rates Component
Add missing Amazon Fulfillment Centers
Simplify Product Prices & Product Fees Components
Schedule Disable Marketplace Bug
Settings: Create component states for each item
Fixed the bug preventing product filtering in the Feedback Table
Implemented member activity tracking via /teams/member-activity endpoint upon user login or app load.
Added a reset function to all stores for user logout.
Changed the export file naming format to '{Page} Export {Date}'.
Refactored the Data Table component.
Limited displayed data to active Amazon marketplaces in Filters in accordance with user settings.
Fixed an issue where filter settings failed to load properly for new users upon login.
Exported Amazon Ads page data
Exported Amazon Returns page data
Restricted inactive subscription users from re-enabling their disabled marketplaces
Fixed an AttributeError that occurred while processing the placement service fee during Settlements report generation.
Core: Switched to using the Backend Database as the single source of truth for Team Members.
Scheduled retroactive solicitation requests for newly enabled products.
Updated number format for units in Stat Cards.
Implemented Multiselect Filter component functionality in the Assistant.
Enabled the export functionality for Amazon Sales page data
Implemented a feature for users to export team data in CSV or XLSX format from the Amazon Sales, Returns, and Ads pages.
Added the Create Batch function to the FBA Inventory Page.
Added 'retroactive_schedule' query parameter to the product feedback request endpoint for scheduling past feedbacks.
Added EUR to the currency selector.
Refactored code to remove obsolete
class and replaced it with zod-inferredIProduct
. -
Enhanced the filter component to automatically exclude data from disabled marketplaces.
Increased the default delay for feedback requests from 7 to 14 days to reduce premature requests.
Redesigned the cost of goods summary in product model settings to clarify it as a non-editable field.
Improved visibility of the date picker icon in dark mode for the batch model form.
Replaced default browser confirmation with custom dialog for supplier deletion.
Reduced the gap between sort arrows and column titles in tables by over 50%.
Modified form validation to enable saving of product costs as floating point numbers.
Corrected the quantity column in the batches table to display an integer instead of a currency symbol.
Relocated the selected dropdown button next to the column configuration button for enhanced UX and visibility.
Added image upload capability to Documents.
Updated the definition of 'Units (Organic)' to include Amazon sales with or without promos, excluding only units sold through PPC/ad clicks.
Saved Amazon Coupon Payment Financial Event data in the core system.
Fixed an issue where the page number remained unchanged after applying search filters.
Converted Data Table Toolbar items to ghost/outline buttons
Fixed type errors in the Batches Tab of the Product modal.
Relocated the convert currencies toggle to align with site marketplace and date range filters.
Implemented a floating horizontal menu for selected data table rows, incorporating Linear UI design and animations for enhanced visibility.
Transformed the input filter into an expandable square button featuring a magnifying glass icon across all tables.
Fixed crash on Copywriter page when disconnected from the backend.
Refactored the Copywriter component.
Refactored the Feedback component to use react-query hooks instead of a listener.
Corrected the Feedback page table to accurately display the number of failed requests.
Resolved the issue where the Feedback tab's page navigation failed to display data and buttons after navigating to page 2.
Fixed an issue where feedback requests were being sent with future dates on Alex's account.
Optimized inventory data parsing to reduce unnecessary loading states across widgets/components.
Removed 'Delete Supplier Confirmation' and replaced it with supplier-specific names, ensuring no space is left before the end period.
Set default dashboard and sales table graph stats to revenue, adspend, and units for new users to simplify initial experience.
Improved product visibility in the warehouse storage tab by adjusting text size and padding, and expanding the modal width to better display longer SKUs and ASINs.
Fixed a bug in the async generator to ensure table pagination and chart loading states remain consistent on the Inventory page.
Added new Amazon Fulfillment Centre MIT2 to the core system.
Core: Changed Feedback Aggregate to use
datetime for scheduled Feedbacks. -
Added an endpoint to retrieve Amazon advertisements keywords data.
Throttled read requests to SQS to maintain compliance with the free-tier limits.
Investigated the cause of failed feedback requests which were being sent 30 days post-purchase.
Excluded Organic Units from the Sales Aggregate Response Payload to reduce size and enhance response time, delegating calculation to the Front End similar to Amazon PPC Units.
Merged the Team Members and Team Members Activity models into a single entity in the database.
Added export functionality to Amazon marketplace and region level tables on the Amazon sales page to download sales data as CSV files.
Added persistence to tab options on the Amazon Sales page, ensuring toggles are retained upon return.
Implemented multi-level data tables with tabs on the sales page, enabling toggling between Amazon ASIN, marketplace, and region levels.
Modified Date Range Picker behavior for clarity and usability, addressing issues with start/end date distinction, input validation, multi-month/year selection, and initial date range loading.
Added to Amazon Advertising Page.
Implemented a feature to return a summary table on the FBA Returns Page.
Updated the Amazon Sales Page.
Redesigned the parent-child relationship in the sales table for a cleaner and more minimalistic layout, reducing wasted space and improving alignment with product images.
Decided on the implementation details for an export data feature across various pages.
Try Fluvi's Amazon seller analytics and profit tracking software